Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Practicum: Value Hard to Quantify

Sometimes, margin managers struggle to quantify their contributions because they fall outside normal business valuations. For example, generating $1M in new business inside a traditional pipeline with established clients will not be as challenging as bringing in $1M in new business when you are pioneering a new market. If you're evaluated on how much you bring in - bottom line - then you have an uphill road to climb.

This happened to me last week during my annual review. I've been with the same company for 10 years and they've treated me well - very well. However, this last review was my weakest ever. My international move (US to Belgium) took a bite out of my performance, but the evaluation process didn't make tolerances for the adjustment. How do you quantify "adjusting to a new culture"? What value do you put on "learning an entirely new client base"?

Given the long cycle in government contracting (my industry), the results will follow in time. My new skills, capabilities, and knowledge will begin to pay dividends over this next year and beyond as I make it over the most difficult part of the learning curve. As a manager operating in the margins of the company, this is part of the risk I take. Increased risk leading to increased reward...at least eventually.

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